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How JoinCells works

Nordic JoinCells AB was founded 2021 in Stockholm. We carry out research in stem cells and biotechnology. Our goal is to commercialise innovative and revolutionary state-of-the-art cellular products that have the potential to generate better therapies for major diseases. Our vision is to become the leading GMP certified research company in regenerative medicine in Europe.


Nordic JoinCells works continuously to develop and commercialise innovative and revolutionary cellular products and models that have the potential to generate new and/or better therapies for major diseases. We work to increase the wellbeing of society and mankind.


Our values define how we solve some of the world's most difficult problems. These include Transparency, Respect for Life, Quality and Safety, State-of-the-art, GMP and Sustainability.


We work with renowned researchers and have a strong network of international collaborators. We also have the support of the emblematic Karolinska Institutet Innovations Center.


We share our networks and our innovative thinking and insight into the latest advances in science, medicine and stem cell research through a variety of training and educational programmes.


We strive to commercialise innovative cellular therapies. Our goal is to provide expertise to others and to develop our own products and methods in stem cell research and development. 



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